Municipal Court

Kenedy Municipal Court
Judge David Sotelo
Please have a copy of the Citation and your Drivers License Number on hand when calling the Kenedy Municipal Court Office.
Courtesy Letter & Form Driver Safety Request FormPayment Information
The Kenedy Municipal Court accepts MONEY ORDERS, CASHIERS CHECKS or COMPANY CHECKS ONLY, payable to: City of Kenedy. They do not accept cash or personal checks.
You May Pay Your Fines and Costs 3 Ways:
1. Mailing your payments to:
Kenedy Municipal Court
303 W Main Street
Kenedy, TX 78119
2. Calling 1-877-882-3577, make sure you have your citation in hand.* This is a 24/7 number: you may call anytime, including after hours.
3. You may pay online at, using your credit or debit card, you will need your docket and fine number to use this service*. Please call the Kenedy Municipal Court to receive this information.
*There is a nominal fee for using this service.
**You must pay fines and costs in FULL if using a debit or credit card.
Appearance/Court Date
This information is furnished as a courtesy to you by the Kenedy Municipal Court to assist you in making disposition on the charge(s) filed against you. PLEASE NOTE: The Judge cannot and will not discuss the merits of a pending judicial proceeding prior to the trial (Canon 3 (5). Code of Judicial Conduct).
The date located on the bottom of your citation. PHONE CALLS: Phone calls are not considered an appearance. The information provided here will give you options on how to handle the ticket you received. The Judge DOES NOT take phone calls.
A juvenile (16 years and under) is required to appear for a hearing before the Judge, and one or both parents or legal guardian must be present. ALL HEARING AND COURT APPEARANCE ARE HELD EVERY MONDAY BETWEEN 9-11 AM. Court is held in the Ruhman C. Franklin Municipal Building at 303 W. Main St., Kenedy, TX 78119.
Please indicate your plea (you may use this form). A plea of Nolo Contendere means that you do not contest the State’s charge(s) against you. The fine for a nolo contendere plea is the same as that for a plea of Guilty. Either plea indicates that you agree to pay the fine and waive appearance before the Court for trial. EMAIL:
Payment Plan
If you wish to enter a plea of Guilty or No Contest and request a payment plan you must put your request in writing (you may use this form) prior to your appearance date. A $15.00 payment plan fee is required per violation. EXTENSIONS: Extensions are for 30 days only with no additional fees, you must enter a plea of Guilty or No Contest along with your request in writing prior to your appearance date.
Judge David Sotelo
Phone: (830) 583-3641
Payments: (877) 882-3577
Fax: (830) 583-2063
Location and Mailing Address:
303 W Main St.
Kenedy, Tx 78119
Courtesy Letter & Form
Driver Safety Request Form
Pay Online

Municipal Clerk, Glynda Martinez